© Copyright 2023 Araucaria Wildlife Sanctuary - All Rights Reserved

Our Habitats and Ecosystems

Around 30% of our Sanctuary is established wet sclerophyll forest, with a tall, open, tree canopy (including eucalypt and rainforest species) and an understorey of shrubs, fern and herbs. A dominant species are the Hoop Pines (Araucaria cunninghamii), after which our Sanctuary is named [Read more].

The property is also a Forest Red Gum grassy open forest zone, there are some spectacular remnant old-growth Forest Red Gums scattered across the property. Their many hollows provide invaluable housing for various birds and animals. 

The riparian zone is home to some spectacular flora including an old-growth, remnant Plum pine and White Beech, huge Hoop Pines and a number of threatened species. [Read more]

Koala Habitat

While Koalas were known to inhabit the Jiggi ridgeline it is only recently that they have moved back down into our valley. Although not yet spotted, we are excited to be hearing them in our reforested areas. 

Koala food trees identified on the land (thanks to our ecologist neighbour, Dave) include: 

  • Forest Oak (Allocasuarina torulosa)
  • Pink Bloodwood (Corymbia intermedia)
  • Broad-leaved White Mahogany (Eucalyptus carnea)
  • Narrow-leaved Stringybark (Eucalyptus eugenoides)
  • Flooded Gum (Eucalyptus grandis)
  • Tallowwood (Eucalyptus microcorys)
  • Grey Ironbark (Eucalyptus siderophloia)
  • Eucalyptus tereticornis (Grey Ironbark)
Helping with Habitat Boxes

While we have planted many trees and they are growing well, it takes decades, if not hundreds of years, for trees to mature enough to have hollows for wildlife. We are doing our best to increase the homes available for our released and wild friends by building and erecting habitat boxes of all shapes and sizes. This project is ongoing as time allows. 

If you have an animal that needs rescuing, please contact WIRES (NSW) 1300 094 737 OR Wildlife Rescue Australia 1300 596 457.


Rock Valley
NSW, Australia, 2480

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